On Women & COVID-19
A recent NPR article posed a very powerful question: “How Do You Survive A Pandemic?”
In a recent NPR Special Report, a spotlight was put on exploring how women are disproportionately impacted by global crises. Women are more likely to have to stay home from work to take care of children and domestic tasks. Girls are often made to stay home for school with a high possibility that they will not return.
COVID-19 is no exception.
From the article:
“Life is hard for everyone during a pandemic. But in a global crisis, it is women who carry extra burdens, says Raquel Lagunas, director of the gender team at the United Nations Development Programme. "Because of their reproductive role in society, they are ones taking care of the kids, the house, the food, the survival of families."
Over the span of three weeks in September and October, NPR photographed and interviewed 19 women around the world. They shared their challenges and fears — and how they are overcoming them.”
"Women are responding in the ways that they often do: with an incredible display of resilience," says Loyce Pace, president of Global Health Council, a coalition of academic institutions, think tanks and groups. "However heavy the burdens, women are stepping up and saying, 'OK, now what? Let's unpack this, let's get it done, and then let's convert that feeling into action.' "
Here are some of my favorite recent readings on women during COVID-19:
The NPR Special Report: “How Do You Survive A Pandemic? These Women Have Lessons For Us All”
UN Women: “COVID-19 and its economic toll on women: The story behind the numbers”
UN Women: Policy Brief: The Impact of COVID-19 on Women
CDC: Women, Caregiving, and COVID-19
The Lancet: “The indirect impact of COVID-19 on women”
UN News: “Generations of progress for women and girls could be lost to COVID pandemic, UN chief warns”
McKinsey & Company: “COVID-19 and gender equality: Countering the regressive effects”
Gallup: The COVID-19 Responses of Men vs. Women
Center for Global Development: “COVID-19 and Girls' Education: What We Know So Far and What We Expect”
UNESCO: “Over 11 million girls may not go back to school after the COVID-19 crisis”
Malala Fund: Girls Education and COVID-19: What Past Shocks Can Teach Us About Mitigating The Impact of Pandemics.
The Guardian: “After Covid-19, millions of girls may not return to the classroom. We can help them”
Center for American Progress: “Protecting and Promoting Women’s Rights Is Key to Defeating the Coronavirus at Home and Abroad”
World Economic Forum: “What the COVID-19 pandemic tells us about gender equality”
Society for Women’s Health Research: “Women Struggle to Access Menstrual Products During COVID-19 Pandemic”
Global Citizen: “US Government Acknowledges Period Products Are Necessities in COVID-19 Stimulus Bill”
FSG: “Menstrual Health is Essential to “Build Back Better” Beyond COVID-19”
CBS This Morning: “New report shows how COVID-19 pandemic is impacting women in workplace”
BBC News: “Coronavirus: the impact of Covid-19 on women”
World Bank: “Coronavirus Live Series: The Impact of the Pandemic on Women and Girls”
DW News: “How women are affected by corona lockdowns | COVID-19 Special”
New York Times: “Covid-19's Impact on Women in the Workforce”
UTSW Med: “COVID-19’s Hidden Impact on Women”
Atlantic News: “COVID-19's economic impact on women”
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