Goodbye For Now
Well-Versed is getting a rebrand.
Thank you.
For your patience, your curiosity, and for staying with me through the journey. While I’ve been blogging for close to 6 years on different (and now defunct sites), Well-Versed is my longest and consistent attempt at keeping an online space going.
I’m not naive. I get a peek at analytics every once and a while and I am aware that I don’t have a big following. But for those of you who keep tuning in for whatever reason, I’m grateful.
And I’ve grown. With recent events in my own life along with the news of the larger world, I want to take some time off. I’d like to focus on completing my final year of grad school, priortize my mental health and healing, and give Well-Versed the rebrand that it deserves. I have a lot of creative ideas for this site and I deeply believe in its potential. But inorder to do it well, I need to take my time.
Thank you.
See you soon.