On Vaccinations
Here is something all of us can do.
I am sure that you are all aware of the countless number of celebrities and big-name figures who have gotten their vaccinations and did so publicly. And while I am forever grateful that people such as President Obama and Dolly Parton are getting their shots and are using their platforms responsibly……studies actually show that celebrity endorsements of the vaccine (or any vaccine for that matter) aren’t actually increasing the number of people who go on to get vaccinated.
Celebrities Don’t Move the Needle When It Comes to Vaccine Willingness | Morning Consult
Celebrities Are Endorsing Covid Vaccines. Does It Help? | The New York Times
The polio vaccine had Elvis. Can celebrities similarly spur acceptance of the Covid-19 vaccine? | STAT
This is where you come in. Yes, you. You’ve already gotten the vaccine, and you may know of a few people who haven’t yet. It’s important that we lean in as community members to share information and make sure that people don’t feel dismissed by their fears or concerns when it comes to being vaccinated. Meet people where they are, and understand that you can’t use a one size fits all approach.
Approach people with empathy and patience.
Offer to make vaccine appointments to ease the process (that way all the person has to do is literally show up!)
Share personal stories about why the vaccine was important for you to get- for example, “getting this vaccine allowed me to finally visit my grandparents” or “these vaccines will help children feel safer at school!”
You can get much more tips and learn more from this article: The Best Evidence for How to Overcome COVID Vaccine Fears | The Scientific American
The whole point is that people need to hear from someone they know that getting the vaccine is important. And this is something that we all can do together. If you have more tips let me know, and I’d love to hear what you are excited to get back to now that you are vaccinated?? For me it’s definitely being able to go to a movie theatre, sitting in a coffee shop, going to a museum, and perusing through a bookstore.
cover image by https://unsplash.com/@mrthetrain