On Bliss

I think I’ve found the joy.

A photo dump of recent happy moments and fun in Asheville. Who says you need a passport to have fun? Exploring the city you live in can be just as memorable!

Homework in the GlassHouse

Something about this cozy corner of my univeristy’s campus that’s so soothing to me, but throughout the week, starting at 8:00 am, you can find me at the exact same spot typing away, only lifting my head to sip a tea or coffee. Between homework and journaling or emails and blogging, there has been plenty for me to do before I wrap up my final semester!

Flora and Fauna

I can’t think of anything more exciting than watching the Earth come alive after winter and wake up in shades of blue, green, pink….the likes of which only nature can create. I can’t express why flowers make me so happy, but if you’re looking for a way to cheer me up, a fresh bouquet will do. In Asheville, the weather has gotten warmer which means lots of running, napping on the quad, and evening walks. I’ve missed packing up an early dinner and walking to my university’s observatory or botanical garden to watch the sunset while a strong floral perfume stains the air. It’s stunning. I can’t wait to get back to these rituals and to fill every room in my apartment with a pretty arrangement. Happy Spring!!!

Asheville Shops

The easiest way to explore the city you’re in is to do so through art and coffee. Whether it’s local crafts (tell me those candles aren’t the coolest ever) and prints in art shops or hand-drawn zines in cafes, I love supporting artists and artisans. Some cool places around downtown Asheville include Citizen Vinyl, Summit Coffee (Grove Arcade), Big Crafty, and the candles are from Asheville Hemp Farms.

Art Museum

I love museums so much- they are incredible spaces of reflection and critical thinking and the Asheville Art Museum located downtown is no different. UNCA students get in for free and when you’re done checking out 3 floors of art, there’s a wonderful cafe and rooftop patio to indulge in!

City Views