Who Keeps Us Safe?

Care is a verb.

“Days after a massive, historic winter storm brought snow and single-digit temperatures to Texas, the state remains mired in crisis. After the Texas independent power grid buckled under frigid conditions and heightened demand over the weekend, as of Thursday morning, more than 500,000 homes and businesses are still without power, and residents are resorting to desperate measures to withstand the deadly cold. Water pipes are bursting. Counties are seeing a rise in carbon-monoxide-poisoning cases, some of which have been fatal, as people seek out alternative sources of heat. Unhoused people are freezing to death on the streets. Some areas are facing water and gasoline shortages.” - An excerpt from The Cut

Rather than spending this post talking about Ted Cruz and his deplorable gap in basic human empathy, leadership, and morality (not to mention his hypocrisy in fleeing across a border for safety- into a country he has demonized)- I am dedicating this post to Texans and Mutual Aid networks on the ground.

Some more preliminary reading: “Texas Pays the Price of the Culture War” and “Texas Failed Because It Did Not Plan”

I’ll share some words from Dr. Ashanté Reese, an Assistant Professor of African and African Diaspora Studies at the University of Texas at Austin. Dr. Reese specializes in critical food studies and food justice, plantation geographies, Black geographies, abolition, ethnographic methods, and practice. She was scheduled to be the keynote speaker for this year’s DOPE Conference. Instead, she shared a powerful message as she chose to dedicate her time and energy to helping her fellow Texans:

The question is not IF you will need mutual aid. It is when. The ‘we’ in ‘we all we got’ gotta be stronger than individualism and the pull to only take care of self. Solidarity from ATX!”

When the ‘when’ arrives, we must know that we will be taken care of. Support your communities now, so that you can all stay safe later.

Maybe, if our political leaders are paying attention, the climate crisis might actually begin to be treated like a crisis. Perhaps we will start having a serious conversation about the country’s desperate need to rebuild our infrastructure from coast to coast- a process that would help provide jobs for millions.

Here is a Directory of resources as well as mutual aid orgs that Dr. Reese shared. Pass along!


Mutual Aid Houston, Say Her Name HTX, Houseless Organizing Coalition, CrowdSource Rescue


Austin Mutual Aid, ATX Free Fridge Project, Black Mamas ATX, Communities of Color United: Coalition for Racial Justice

TX Mutual Aid Directory


Austin // Carrizo-Comecrudo Tribe // Corpus Christi // Dallas-Fort Worth // El Paso // Houston // Laredo // San Antonio // San Marcos // Rio Grande Valley // Statewide Abortion Funds // Statewide Warming Stations + Shelters for Winter Storm 2021


Austin Mutual Aid - local mutual aid network coordinating to protect the houseless community from the current winter crisis

Venmo: @austinmutualaid

Online: https://linktr.ee/austinmutualaid

IG: @austinmutualaid


SWOP Austin - A social justice network dedicated to the fundamental human rights of people involved in the sex trade and their communities, focusing on ending violence and stigma through education and advocacy. Mutual aid efforts within Austin for shelter, food, and sexual health supplies to trans, disabled, BIPOC Sex Workers.
IG: @swopatx
Donate: https://atx.swopusa.org/donate/

SAFE - A merger of Austin Children's Shelter & SafePlace serving survivors of sexual assault & exploitation, domestic violence, & child abuse #KeepAustinSAFE. Text to Give to SAFE: Text “@SAFE” to 52014

IG: @safeatx


LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/safeatx

Online: https://www.safeaustin.org

Wishlist: https://www.safeaustin.org/get-involved/wishlist/
donate now

Street Forum - ATX mutual aid group providing support to our local houseless community

Donate: https://opencollective.com/street-forum

Cashapp: $streetforum

Facebook: facebook.com/streetforumatx

Austin Mutual Aid Collective - Student-driven digital community center building solidarity and practicing collective care to support those impacted by COVID-19.

IG: @mutualaidatx

Online: linktr.ee/mutualaidatx

Community Solidarity Guide - Working list of orgs in Austin providing resources and services to unhoused, BIPOC, Queer, and marginalized folks across town (check the green Donate tab for funds and drives!)

*Action Item @ Homes Not Handcuffs Coalition: Demand more hotel vouchers and shelters for the unhoused from the City Of Austin!

Carrizo-Comecrudo Tribe Of Texas

Website: http://carrizocomecrudonation.com/index.html

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CarrizoComecrudoTribeOfTexas

Corpus Christi

Corpus Christi DSA Mutual Aid - The Mutual Aid Working Group works collectively with the community to ensure we meet basic needs while we work to build a workers' state that puts people before profit. Info on winter storm assistance and resources.

Twitter: @CorpusMutualAid

Donate: here

Venmo: @CC-DSA
Cashapp: $CCMutualAid

Paypal: CCMutualAid

Online: corpuschristidsa.org/mutual-aid

Dallas-Fort Worth

Feed The People Dallas - BIPOC-led collective providing mutual aid to the people of DFW

IG: @feedthepeopledallas

Venmo: @feedthepeopledallas

Cashapp: $feedthepeopledtx

Online: linktr.ee/feedthepeopledallas

Wishlist: Link

DFW #BlackLivesMatter Relief - Community raising funds for medical aid and supplies for activists that are standing in solidarity for black lives. All unused funds will be donated to bail bonds.

IG: @dfw.relief
Twitter: @dfwrelief

Venmo: @dfwrelief

Email: reliefdfwfunds@gmail.com
Online: https://reliefdfw.carrd.co/

O.D. Aid - Getting harm reduction supplies to the people. Preventing overdose. Mutual aid. Radical care.

UPDATE: 2/18/2021 “We need: Gloves, hats, scarves, blankets, and winter gear for unhoused people in Fort Worth! We are out of sleeping bags, tents, and winter wear items. If you can donate or make winter gear, email odaidfw@gmail.com for more information on how to contribute.”

IG: @odaidfw
Venmo: odaid
Paypal: odaidfw@gmail.com

Graphic credit to @odaidfw

DFW Mutual Aid - grassroots mutual aid collective led by BIPOC serving all DFW community members

IG: @dfwmutualaid

Venmo: @DFWMutualAid

Cashapp: $dfwmutualaid

Online: linktr.ee/dfwmutualaid

Texas Equal Access Fund 
- Provides financial assistance for abortion in North Texas and the Panhandle.
IG: @teafund
Online: https://teafund.org/
Donate: https://teafund.org/donate/
Need Help? Text: 1-844-TEA-FUND (1-844-832-3863)

Funkytown Fridge - community solidarity fridge in Ft Worth

IG: @funkytownfridge

Venmo: @funkytownfridge

Cashapp: $funkytownfridge

Online: Fort Worth Assistance Request Sheet

El Paso
West Fund - Funded on the legacy of Queer UTEP students in response to HB 2, the anti-abortion law that swept the state in 2013. Provides financial assistance for abortion in El Paso, Texas; south/eastern New Mexico; and Cd. Juarez, Chihuahua.
IG:  @westfundtx

HELPLINE: 915-213-4535

ESPAÑOL: 915-213-4578


Mutual Aid Houston- BIPOC-led abolitionist collective boosting mutual aid efforts within Houston such as COVID-19 support, protest supplies, and jail support. Currently distributing immediate needs for water and food due to the freeze. “We have also linked to organizations in Houston that are on the ground doing the work, and who currently need much more support than we do. (CrowdSource Rescue Houseless Organizing Coalition) Please consider sending your contributions over to them first, if you do plan to donate. Thank y'all so much again - we will get through this together!”

2/18/2021:We have now opened donations again thanks to @CashApp @Venmo increasing our distribution limit and will be able to help many more people.
IG: @mutualaidhou
Venmo: @
Cashapp: $


Houseless Organizing Coalition - A revolutionary coalition organizing and building dual power within Houston’s houseless community that consists of BIPOC working-class individuals.

IG: @hoc.htx

Twitter: @HocHtx

Donate: paypal.me/hochtx
WishList: Amazon Wish List

Clinic Access Support Network -Provides free transportation, lodging, childcare support, and emotional support to people seeking abortions in Houston.
IG: @casnhtx
Twitter: @casnhtx

Donate: https://www.clinicaccess.org/donate

Houston Community Fridges - Free, fresh food provided in community fridges located in Third Ward, Alief (77072) & (77073) and Bellaire.

IG: @htxcommunityfridges

Twitter: @htxcommfridges

Donate to Third Ward and Bellaire Fridges 

Donate to Alief Fridges

CrowdSource Rescue - Free Groceries with delivery/CSR usually delivers boxes/bags from the Houston Food Bank, particularly for folks who can’t get to a food bank distribution center/drive-through.

IG: @crowdsourcerescue

Twitter: @cs_rescue

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/crowdsourcerescue

Online: https://crowdsourcerescue.org/

SWOP Houston - A social justice network dedicated to the fundamental human rights of people involved in the sex trade and their communities, focusing on ending violence and stigma through education and advocacy. Mutual aid efforts within Houston for shelter, food, direct aid, and sexual health supplies to trans, disabled, BIPOC Sex Workers.

IG: @@swop.htx
Twitter: @HtxSwop

Online: https://linktr.ee/SWOPHOU

Say Her Name HTX - Organizing collective in TX building leadership and advocacy about the issues that impact the lives of black women. Say Her Name Texas has been organizing on the ground in Houston, transporting people to warmer locations, buying essential supplies, & distributing food/water. We will continue to be there for our Houston community.

IG: @sayhernametx

Twitter: @sayhername_tx

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sayhernametx/

Online: https://www.sayhernametexas.org/


Holding Institute - community center in downtown Laredo providing hot food and shelter

Call: 956.718.2070

Online: http://www.holding-institute.org

Facebook: holdingcc

Donate: Paypal

Red Wing United - tierra, democracia, y libertad for everyone. Distributing supply bags + care packages

Donate: https://gofund.me/1355430d

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/redwinglaredo/

Email: redwingunite@gmail.com


Twitter: @PBorderMovement

Laredo Community Fridge

Venmo: @feed956

Online: https://linktr.ee/ldocommunityfridge

IG: @ldocommunityfridge

Volunteer: Sign up to volunteer!

GoFundMe: Our Gofundme!

San Antonio

San Antonio DSA’s Puro Mutual Aid Fund -

San Antonio DSA’s Puro Mutual Aid Network is raising funds for households struggling during this outbreak of COVID-19.

IG: @sanantoniodsa 
Online: https://linktr.ee/sanantoniodsa
Donate: https://donorbox.org/puro-mutual-aid-fund

San Antonio Community Fridge - Free, fresh food provided of vegan and plant based pantry.
IG: @communityfridge_satx
Online: https://linktr.ee/commfridgesatx
Donate: Local Community Fridge in San Antonio

San Antonio Food Bank/SNAP

For COVID-19 response, food assistance, and help to sign up for SNAP benefits. Call 210.431.8326 to speak with someone about all the ways to get help in your area.

Mon-Friday, 8am-8pm • Sat 9am-3pm

Online: https://safoodbank.org/help/

Donate: https://safoodbank.org/donate/

San Marcos

HOME Center - Working to get unhoused folks into motels in SM! Currently needs $20K to pay for the 150 hotel rooms we’ve put our unhoused neighbors in + getting out 200 plates 2x a day. If you donate on Venmo, make sure it is the correct account: HOME-Center. Beware opportunists <3

Venmo: @HOME-Center

Cashapp: $HOMECenter
Paypal email: homecentertx@gmail.com

Rio Grande Valley
La Frontera Fund - Provides financial assistance for lodging for people living in the Rio Grande Valley.
Email: info@lafronterafund.org
(956) 307-9330
IG: rgv_abortionfund

Online: https://fronterafundrgv.org/
Online 2: 

Willacy County - An effort to provide urgent support to community members and families without electricity, water, transportation, etc. This fund will redistribute hot food and direct aid to Willacy County neighbors via $ infusions, contactless deliveries, or by pick up.  Organized by IG: @madelinejbustos If you’re in the area, DM Madeline to volunteer in this effort that is urgently needed right now!

• If you know someone in Willacy who needs aid, invite them to fill out the aid request form provided in the organizers bio + in @rgvmutualaid link tree.
Venmo: @Madeline-Bustos
Cashapp: $MadelineBustos

The Sidewalk School for Children Asylum Seekers 

The Sidewalk School serves the Children Asylum Seekers stuck in México because of MPP while they wait to cross into the US legally. The Sidewalk School only employs qualified Teacher Asylum Seekers who have degrees from their home countries. Both gofundmes are for affected areas by the winter storm at the border.

 • A current gofundme for propane used for Matamoros encampment heaters and also to raise money for more heaters.
Donate: https://gofund.me/1b3fb8f8
• A local colonia/low infrastructure non-incorporated neighborhood that has high rates of covid job loss that is raising money for heating, blankets, materials.
Donate: https://gofund.me/1b3fb8f8

RGV Mutual Aid - A mutual aid collective created and operated by RGV organizers and community members. Currently not actively collecting donations because we do not have enough available/active members or resources to help collect, distribute, and keep track of donations. We appreciate y’all reaching out & will continue to donate our remaining money to local efforts.

IG: @rgvmutualaid

Twitter: @rgvmutualaid

Online: https://linktr.ee/rgvmutualaid

Dando La Mano - Relief to get gift cards to Colonia residents in the RGV. “Historic freezes have left millions of Texans without power. In the Rio Grande Valley, Colonia residents are hit hardest. Help us get $50 gift cards into the hands of Colonia residents who need a warm meal, a hotel for a night, blankets, or space heaters. With your donation, LUPE will buy and distribute gift cards to Colonia families.”
IG: @lupe_rgv 

Donate: https://www.gofundme.com/f/colonia-frontera

Texas State-Wide Funds For Abortion

Text "HELLO" to 202-883-4620, reply with your zip code and you will receive the three nearest providers and information on funding

Buckle Bunnies Fund - A group of young queer folks who are passionate about Reproductive Justice mobilize across Texas and help people get the abortions they needed with financial assistance for abortions.
Online 1: https://www.bucklebunnies.org/
Online 2: 

Lilith Fund - Provides financial assistance for abortion in Austin, El Paso, Houston, McAllen, and San Antonio.
Online: https://www.lilithfund.org/
IG: @lilithfund

Twitter: @lilithfund
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lilithfund
Donate: https://secure.everyaction.com/ZKj2BPy6bkaxpudp-4YwUQ2
Call: (877) 659-4304

Fund Texas Choice - Provides financial assistance for travel and lodging in Texas.
Online: https://fundtexaschoice.org/
IG: @fundtexaschoice

Donate: https://fundtexaschoice.org/index.php/donate/
Call: (512) 900-8908

Texas State-Wide Warming Stations and Shelters for Winter Storm 2021

ABC-13: For Texans who find themselves stranded without power or in need of warmth, the Texas A&M University System has a WARMING CENTER LOCATOR set up to help find warming locations across the state. Locator found at the BOTTOM of the page.

Texas Tribune compiled Statewide Shelter and Warming Centers Article Here

March For Our Lives IG post  on Warming Stations Statewide Here


The Mayor’s Office is asking people to call the city’s 3-1-1 line to find out what facilities are open.

• KHOU-11 compiled a list of Houston-area warming centers open and is live-updated. Areas consist of Harris County, Fort Bend County, Sugar Land, League City, Galveston County, Sante Fe, Chambers County, West University, Pearland, Friendswood, and Montgomery County.


• Austin Disaster Relief Network (ADRN) - Working the City of Austin/Travis County to open Church Shelters throughout the Greater Austin area to provide close-in-proximity shelters for families and individuals in need. We understand that families have no electricity and/or experienced water pipes bursting, creating a wet environment. We have asked Churches to provide: safe, clean, warm shelter space.

 NOTE: Please bring a change of clothes, toiletries, pillows, blankets, bed mats, extra dry food, water, etc… if you plan to stay at a Church Shelter.

San Antonio

Call 311 or 211 to be directed to a shelter with availability.

• Homeless Hotline (210)-207-1799 (Mon-Fri; 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM)

• San Antonio Community Resource Directory (SACRD) Emergency Shelters 

• KSAT Local News compiled a list of warming centers in San Antonio and surrounding area and is live-updated.

cover photo from https://unsplash.com/@ianjbattaglia?utm_source=squarespace&medium=referral