On Union Workers
are you paying attention? we just might be living through the largest labor movement in modern history.
You wouldn’t know it based on the major news outlets, but in every industry from food to outdoor equipment, from graduate students to baristas, the working class has been on strike— demanding that the corporations and businesses they work for, show them the dignity they deserve. Not just through emotional Superbowl ads, free coffee, and handclaps. But through a higher living wage, bathroom breaks without fear of punishment, the ability to unionize, and basic protections for health and injury.
You know, the bare minimum.
In honor of the working class, the people who make the products and fulfill the services we use every day, and this timely John Oliver segment on union-busting, this post is dedicated to sharing how you can support their efforts.
And let it be known— this movement is global. The future and the stability of the working class, directly impact us all.
Below is a non-exhaustive list of unions, organizations, and projects dedicated to keeping workers safe and heard. Please think about supporting them if you can!
Working America
“Working America unites working people who don’t have a union on the job. With more than 3 million members in urban and suburban communities, we work together for good jobs, a fair economy and a democracy that represents all of us.
Founded in 2003, Working America, the community affiliate of the AFL-CIO, makes sure that the priorities of working people, their families and communities are heard from our state houses to the White House, from our city councils and school boards to the halls of Congress.”
Worker’s Justice Project
“Founded in 2010, the Workers Justice Project (WJP) is a New York City worker center that educates, organizes, and fights for better work conditions and social justice in the workplace. With a base of more than 12,000 members, WJP organizes low-wage, immigrant workers who are fighting to raise workplace standards in the construction, house cleaning, and app-based delivery industries.”
More Perfect Union
“We’re helping working people to be seen and heard in media coverage. More justice. More accountability. More power for the people. A More Perfect Union.
More Perfect Union Action is a registered District of Columbia 501(c)(4) social welfare organization. Our associated organization— More Perfect Union Foundation—is a registered District of Columbia 501(c)(3) nonprofit organized for educational purposes.”
ILR Labor Action Tracker
“Welcome to the Cornell-ILR Labor Action Tracker. The goal of our project is to provide a comprehensive database of strike and labor protest activity across the United States in order to better inform and support labor movement activists, policymakers, and scholars. We would like to especially thank and acknowledge the ILR School for generous funding to support our project.”
Labor Notes
“Labor Notes is a media and organizing project that has been the voice of union activists who want to put the movement back in the labor movement since 1979.”
Campaign to Organize Digital Employees in the Tech, Games, and Digital Industries
“The Campaign to Organize Digital Employees (CODE-CWA) is a network of worker-organizers and their staff working every single day to build the voice and power necessary to ensure the future of the tech, game, and digital industries in the United States and Canada.
We work at major multinational tech companies and tiny startups. We work at small indie game studios and AAA game publishers. We work at top down corporations and equitable worker co-ops.
We use our collective strength to improve conditions for temp, vendor, and contractor workers; to fight against the unethical use of our labor; to end hiring, wage, and retention discrimination; and to ensure that our work is a benefit to our society, not a burden.”
BAmazon Union
“BAmazon Union is an organizing campaign of the Mid-South Council of the Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union (RWDSU). When workers come together to form a union, they win dignity and respect at work.”
Amazon Labor Union
“A worker-led movement to put power back in the hands of Amazon employees and establish our right to negotiate for a better, safer, and more equitable workplace.”
The International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America
“(UAW) is one of the largest and most diverse unions in North America, with members in virtually every sector of the economy.
UAW-represented workplaces range from multinational corporations, small manufacturers and state and local governments to colleges and universities, hospitals and private non-profit organizations.
The UAW has more than 400,000 active members and more than 580,000 retired members in the United States, Canada and Puerto Rico.
There are more than 600 local unions in the UAW. The UAW currently has 1,150 contracts with some 1,600 employers in the United States, Canada and Puerto Rico.”
The Association of Flight Attendants-CWA
“The Association of Flight Attendants-CWA (AFA-CWA) is the flight attendant union organized by flight attendants for flight attendants. AFA represents nearly 50,000 flight attendants at 17 airlines, serving as a voice for flight attendants at their workplace, in the industry, in the media and on Capitol Hill. Simply put, the goal of flight attendants who become part of AFA-CWA is to negotiate better pay, benefits, working conditions and work rules at their airline, and to improve their safety on the job.”
The International Association of Bridge, Structural, Ornamental and Reinforcing Iron Workers Union
“The Ironworkers is a proud trade association whose beginnings go back to the 1890s. The IW represents 120,000 members in North America. Members of our union have worked on nearly every major construction project you can think of - the Golden Gate Bridge, the Sears Tower, the St. Louis Arch, the Oil Sands Plant Expansion in Alberta, the World Trade Center and Freedom Tower.”
Alliance for Retired Americans
“The Alliance for Retired Americans is a nationwide grass roots organization, launched in May 2001, with more than 4.3 million members working together to make their voices heard in the laws, policies, politics, and institutions that shape American life.
For 18 years, we have mobilized retired union members, seniors and community activists into a nationwide grassroots movement advocating a political and social agenda that respects work and strengthens families.”
American Postal Worker Union
“The APWU represents more than 200,000 USPS employees and retirees, and nearly 2,000 private-sector mail workers.
For more than four decades, APWU has fought for dignity and respect on the job for the workers we represent, as well as for decent pay and benefits and safe working conditions. As an AFL-CIO affiliate, the APWU supports the struggle for social and economic justice for all working families.”
Union Plus
“Our Roots and Our Mission — Union Strong
Union Privilege is a nonprofit organization founded by the AFL-CIO in 1986 to provide excellent consumer Union Plus benefit programs exclusively to union members (current and retired) and their families.
Our Mission — Today and Always
Our mission then and now is simple — to improve the quality of life for working families through our unique products and services. We believe that supporting our union members through good and bad times keeps our unions strong, so we offer unique financial assistance including strike benefits and other hardship help benefits that support union members and their families.”
The American Federation of Government Employees
“The American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) is the largest federal employee union proudly representing 700,000 federal and D.C. government workers nationwide and overseas. Workers in virtually all functions of government at every federal agency depend upon AFGE for legal representation, legislative advocacy, technical expertise and informational services.”
National Association of Letter Carriers
“The National Association of Letter Carriers is the sole representative of city delivery letter carriers employed by the U.S. Postal Service.
Since it was founded in Milwaukee in 1889, the NALC has had a long and distinguished history of defending the rights of letter carriers before abusive supervisors, unfair presidential administrations and indifferent Congresses. NALC is the only force that fights to protect the interests of city letter carriers.”
Transport Workers Union of America
“The Transport Workers Union of America, AFL-CIO represents more than 150,000 members across the airline, railroad, and transit, university, utility and service sectors. We are mechanics, car cleaners, baggage handlers, disease control inspectors, bus operators, ramp agents, flight attendants, and more—and we are on the front lines of moving the American economy forward, keeping the traveling public safe and offering working people a voice on the job since 1934.”
United Farm Workers of America
“Begun in 1962 by Cesar Chavez, Dolores Huerta, Gilbert Padilla and other early organizers, the United Farm Workers of America is the nation’s first enduring and largest farm workers union. The UFW continues organizing in major agricultural sectors, chiefly in California. Recent years have witnessed dozens of UFW union contract victories protecting thousands of farm workers, among them agreements with the some of the largest berry, winery, tomato, dairy and mushroom companies in California and the nation.”
The Utility Workers Union of America
“The Utility Workers Union of America, AFL-CIO (UWUA) is one of the most successful and progressive unions in all of the labor movement. We have over 50,000 members working in the electric, gas, water, and nuclear industries across the United States. Our members are the 24/7 first responders in times of public need.”
Service Employees International Union
“We are the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), an organization of 2-million members united by the belief in the dignity and worth of workers and the services they provide and dedicated to improving the lives of workers and their families and creating a more just and humane society.”
Machinists Union
“With nearly 600,000 active and retired members, the IAM is one of the largest and most diverse labor unions in North America. From Boeing and Lockheed Martin to United Airlines and Harley-Davidson, you will find IAM members across all walks of life. IAM members demand respect and dignity in the workplace. Together, we have been able to bargain for increased job security, higher wages and improved benefits.”
The International Union of Painters and Allied Trades
“Represents a growing force of over 160,000 active and retired men and women in the United States and Canada. Our members work in the Finishing Trades as industrial and commercial painters, drywall finishers, wall coverers, glaziers, glass workers, floor covering installers, sign makers, display workers, convention and show decorators and in many more exciting occupations. IUPAT members’ skills are in high demand at every construction project in North America.
The IUPAT membership extends far beyond the workplace, however. Recognized as one of the most active unions in the labor movement, IUPAT members help shape their communities in many ways: through an abiding commitment to service, by fighting passionately for workers’ rights that benefit all working families, and through effective and aggressive political mobilization.”
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers
“The IBEW represents approximately 775,000 active members and retirees who work in a wide variety of fields, including utilities, construction, telecommunications, broadcasting, manufacturing, railroads and government. The IBEW has members in both the United States and Canada and stands out among the American unions in the AFL-CIO because it is among the largest and has members in so many skilled occupations.
As union members, we bargain collectively with our employers over wages, benefits, and rights.
Most of us have very limited bargaining power as one person, but as a group, we are strong. And, with a good negotiated contract, we have legal protections we would not have otherwise.”
United Steelworkers
“We are the United Steelworkers, North America’s largest industrial union. We’re 1.2 million members and retirees strong in the United States, Canada and the Caribbean. We proudly represent men and women who work in nearly every industry there is. Our members are leaders in your communities, in your work places, in our governments and more. We have a presence in the United Kingdom, Ireland, England, Scotland, Mexico and many other places around the world. Because since the beginning of our being, we have been fighting for better workplaces, better lives for everyone and a better world.”
American Federation of Teachers
“The American Federation of Teachers is a union of professionals that champions fairness; democracy; economic opportunity; and high-quality public education, healthcare and public services for our students, their families and our communities. We are committed to advancing these principles through community engagement, organizing, collective bargaining and political activism, and especially through the work our members do.”
United Food and Commercial Workers
“The United Food and Commercial Workers International Union (UFCW) is a labor union made up of 1.3 million hard-working men and women in the U.S. and Canada. We are a 501(c)(5) nonprofit organization that believes in the power of ordinary people coming together to improve their lives and make a lasting difference for all working people.
Our members are your friends and neighbors. They work in grocery and retail stores, pharmacies, health care and manufacturing facilities, and in food processing and meat packing industries. From the rural heartland to teeming urban centers, our members are on the front lines working hard to feed, serve and strengthen the neighborhoods and communities we call home.”
American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees
“AFSCME is nurses. Corrections officers. Child care providers. EMTs. Sanitation workers. School bus drivers. Civil engineers. More than a million people doing hundreds of different jobs, all with one thing in common: a dedication to making our communities stronger, healthier, and safer.
Public service isn’t just a job: it’s a calling. And the work of people in public service deserves respect. That’s why we stand together in AFSCME to advocate for fairness in the workplace, safety on the job, fair wages, good benefits, a secure retirement, and excellence in public services.
AFSCME has approximately 3,400 local unions and 58 councils and affiliates in 46 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico. Every local writes its own constitution, designs its own structure, elects its own officers and sets its own dues.
The International Union, based in Washington, D.C., coordinates the union’s actions on major national issues such as privatization, fair taxes and health care. The International also provides resources to councils and local unions for organizing, bargaining, political action and education, and administers members-only benefits. Every two years, delegates to AFSCME’s International Convention decide on the union’s basic policies. Every four years they elect the International Union’s President, Secretary-Treasurer and 35 regional vice presidents.”
Laborers' International Union of North America
“LIUNA members are a skilled and experienced union workforce trained to work safely in the construction and energy industries. Members build infrastructure - from roads, bridges, and transit to schools and skyscrapers. They are certified to install rainwater catchment systems and trained to build water and sewer systems. Members also work in every area of the energy sector, helping to build solar plants, wind farms, and natural gas and oil pipelines, as well as, being skilled in the maintenance of nuclear and coal power plant facilities.”
IndustriALL Global Union
“IndustriALL Global Union represents 50 million workers in 140 countries in the mining, energy and manufacturing sectors and is a force in global solidarity taking up the fight for better working conditions and trade union rights around the world.
IndustriALL challenges the power of multinational companies and negotiates with them on a global level. IndustriALL fights for another model of globalization and a new economic and social model that puts people first, based on democracy and social justice.”
International Trade Union Confederation
“The ITUC’s primary mission is the promotion and defence of workers’ rights and interests, through international cooperation between trade unions, global campaigning and advocacy within the major global institutions.
Its main areas of activity include the following: trade union and human rights; economy, society and the workplace; equality and non-discrimination; and international solidarity.”
Public Service International
“Public Services International is a Global Union Federation of more than 700 trade unions representing 30 million workers in 154 countries. We bring their voices to the UN, ILO, WHO and other regional and global organisations. We defend trade union and workers' rights and fight for universal access to quality public services.
Bricklayers Union
“Since its founding in 1865, the International Union of Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers has actively fought to improve our members’ quality of life – on and off the job – through access to fair wages, good benefits, safe working conditions, and solidarity among members.
Today, we represent the most highly skilled trowel trades craftworkers across the United States and Canada including bricklayers, stone and marble masons, cement masons, plasterers, tilesetters, terrazzo and mosaic workers, and pointers/ cleaners/ caulkers. With over a century of protecting the rights of our workers, BAC is the oldest continuous union in North America.”
Unite Here
“UNITE HERE is an organization of people working in hotels, casinos, stadiums, cafeterias, airport concessions and catering, apparel factories, and similar industries. Standing together, we have power and a voice with our employers and elected officials. We fight for health care, safety and respect in our workplaces. We change our lives and our communities. To learn more about how to organize a union where you work, please fill out the form below.”
International Association of Sheet Metal, Air, Rail and Transportation Workers
“SMART, the International Association of Sheet Metal, Air, Rail and Transportation Workers, is one of North America’s most dynamic and diverse unions with 203,000 members. SMART’s members ensure the quality of the air we breathe, promote energy efficiency, produce and provide the vital services that move products to market and passengers to their destinations. We are sheet metal workers, service technicians, bus operators, engineers, conductors, sign workers, welders, production employees and more. With members in scores of different occupations, we advocate for fairness in the workplace, excellence at work and opportunity for all working families.”
Communications Workers of America
“Members of the Communications Workers of America are part of one of America’s largest and most diverse unions. We work not just in the communications and information industries, but also in the news media, the airlines, broadcast and cable television, public service, higher education and health care, manufacturing, in high tech and more.”
The American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO)
“We are the democratic, voluntary federation of 57 national and international labor unions that represent 12.5 million working men and women.
We strive to ensure all working people are treated fairly, with decent paychecks and benefits, safe jobs, dignity, and equal opportunities. We help people acquire valuable skills and job-readiness for the 21st century economy. In fact, we operate the largest training network outside the U.S. military.”
National Farmers Union
“NFU represents family farmers, fishers and ranchers across the country, with formally organized divisions in 33 states. The key to the success and credibility of the organization has been Farmers Union’s grassroots structure in which policy positions are initiated locally. The policy process includes the presentation of resolutions by individuals, followed by possible adoption of the resolutions at the local, state and national levels. Members and staff of the Farmers Union advocate these policy positions nationwide.
National Farmers Union believes that good opportunities in production agriculture are the foundation of strong farm and ranch families, and strong farm and ranch families are the basis for thriving rural communities. Vibrant rural communities, in turn, are vital to the health, security and economic well-being of our entire national economy.”
cover image https://unsplash.com/@javad_esmaeili