stories worth reading
If You Shouldn't Call It The Third World, What Should You Call It?
Using the term Third World comes with complications, and I first learned about this concept from reading this article in my Economic Growth and Development class my sophomore year of college- introducing me to NPR Goats and Soda and my unwavering curiosity for development economics.
'I Cry At Night': Afghan Mothers Struggle To Feed Their Children In The Pandemic
This article highlights the intersection of hunger, a weak economy, and a pandemic- just another example of how COVID-19 has exacerbated fragile and complex systems that women around the world face every day.
Love’s contradictions: Catullus on the agony of infatuation
After taking an Ancient to Renaissance Literature course, every now and then I like to brush up on classical lit, so of course, I enjoyed mulling over this Psyche piece and I thought it was just brilliant. And it’s about love, so really it’s for everyone.
In my senior year of high school I had a teacher that used to always say, ‘if you’re bored, it’s because you don’t want to put in the work to keep yourself engaged.’ Or something along those lines. I fundamentally disagree, but I thought I would humor this, and pass it along in case someone has an urgent need to get over their restlessness.
This article is truly for the nerd- I understood maybe half of this, but because I’ve seriously started meditating more I thought I’d give it a read. And I am glad I did because it gave more clear and digestible reasons to be more disciplined in my practice. I hope you find something useful in it too!
It’s only 15 minutes, but this short documentary is reflexive and expansive, and a wonderful reminder to define success and happiness on your own terms. It also made me really hopeful about the kinds of stories I might be telling someone at 86 years old one day.
I gave myself the luxury of downloading Tik Tok for winter break, just to see what all the fuss is about, and came out of it more obsessed with cooking than when I started. I am sure if you’re also on the app then you’ve seen the countless videos of people sharing their best versions of birria tacos. Funny enough this article was in my inbox right when I noticed the wave- so here’s a little food lesson.
Ecosocialists Believe the Only Way to Stop Climate Change Is to Abandon Capitalism
As I am challenging my notions and questioning my comfortability with capitalism, I am constantly finding new articles on ways to abandon this particular market system (this article is old but was mentioned in a recent newsletter). This article, by Vice, highlights the need to do so in the name of mitigating our climate crisis.
'Let's get rid of friggin' cows' says the creator of plant-based 'bleeding burger'
this was interesting, to say the least!
Only by taking leave of our senses can we plunge into reverie
My favorite word in 2020 was reverie. Not for any particular reason other than it is beautiful to say and to write. But this article breathed a whole new life into it! I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!
To be a responsible citizen today, it is not enough to be reasonable
A truly thought-provoking piece every human should read.
In case you needed a philosophical reason to understand why gentrification is harmful, this Aeon article breaks it down perfectly.
For anyone picking up the pieces after being in an abusive gaslighting relationship, or you have been gas-lit but don’t know what to do next…this is a must-read, especially if you’ve thought about going to therapy to repair the damage.
If you have 1 minute, I recommend this to bring peace or at the very least, quietness into your day.
America is broken – can Biden and Harris put it back together?
It shouldn’t be up to 2 people to bring the nation back together again- for one, America has always been broken, and secondly, this work will have to involve all of us. But this article does highlight the challenges this administration faces.
Kremlin foe Alexei Navalny calls for street protests after being jailed
If you’ve been paying attention you might have heard the name Alexi Navalny around a few times. It’s important you know who he is.
What Parler Saw During the Attack on the Capitol
I don’t know how ProPublica did this but (at your own will), if you’re interested in a more detailed look at what happened at the Capitol, give this a look through. Here is a description: “ProPublica reviewed thousands of videos uploaded publicly to the service that were archived by a programmer before Parler was taken offline by its web host. Below is a collection of more than 500 videos that ProPublica determined were taken during the events of Jan. 6 and were relevant and newsworthy. Taken together, they provide one of the most comprehensive records of a dark event in American history through the eyes of those who took part.”
When Biden Becomes … Rooseveltian!
A Kristof piece on Biden’s upcoming challenge and his comparisons to Roosevelt.
Bobby Kennedy was right: GDP is a poor measure of a nation's health
In case you need a reminder that the GDP is a terrible marker of a nation’s health- or at the very least, not a holistic approach.
The Lies We Tell Ourselves About Race
More insight on the terrible phrase many people, especially white people, like to use when something goes wrong in this country.
Cities Say They Want to Defund the Police. Their Budgets Say Otherwise.
It’s almost as if some of us spent the whole summer protesting for nothing.
There’s no justice in Guantanamo Bay. For America’s sake, that must change.
Finally, someone said it. I remember my jaw dropping to the floor when I learned how much of our tax dollars go to Guantanamo Bay, and when I learned about all the amenities enjoyed by officers there. While I understand the implications of its closing, it is long past time we start having conversations about its utility and our philosophies.
There’s A Good Reason Feds Don’t Call White Guys Terrorists, Says DOJ Domestic Terror Chief
This was interesting to read……can’t say I am entirely convinced, but interesting nonetheless!
White Terrorism Often Leads to Harsher Punishment for People of Color
An excerpt: “But some civil-liberties advocates have expressed concern that any new measures enacted in response to the Capitol riot will end up punishing Black and brown people more than the mostly white people who took part, just as laws passed after the Oklahoma City bombing and the Columbine massacre did.” Please read!!!
A $6,300 Bus. A $33 Last Meal. What New Documents Tell Us About Trump’s Execution Spree
This article made me sick to my stomach but exposed many parts of the carceral system that I didn’t know before. Read at your own discretion.
Why Didn't The FBI And DHS Produce A Threat Report Ahead of The Capitol Insurrection?
Interesting indeed.
President Barack Obama Talks to Jesmyn Ward About A Promised Land
I truly loved this interview! If you haven’t read A Promised Land, please add it to your list!
Biden plans to fight climate change in a way no U.S. president has done before
As he should. He plans on doing this “by mobilizing his entire administration to take on the challenge from every angle in a strategic, integrated way.” You’d think that it would be the obvious approach considering how multifaceted the climate crisis is in itself.
Tribal Elders Are Dying From the Pandemic, Causing a Cultural Crisis for American Indians
Just another example of how this pandemic is ravishing communities that have so much stacked against them because of systemic inequalities and unjust structures.
Ice flies African asylum seekers to Nairobi in last-minute deportation push
“The Trump administration is continuing to deport African asylum seekers in its last few days before the inauguration of Joe Biden, who has promised a 100-day suspension of deportations, amid allegations of abuse of detainees, insufficient legal protections and inadequate precautions against Covid infection.”
happy reading
cover photo is my own