When It Rains

There is no other time that is perfect for reading than when you’re stuck inside. This will be the first summer that I will be in Asheville for more than 3 days (an exaggeration, but only slightly haha) and it’s notorious for raining and thundering all the time- so in case I am entrapped by floods- here are the books I can’t wait to dive into!

For the Non-fiction Reader:

The Cooking Gene by Micheal Twitty: I went to go see Twitty when he spoke on campus during the Fall semester for the Farm to Table events. He was funny and real and this book has gotten rave reviews, as he goes on a culinary journey to understand himself and the black historical experience through the Old South. I hope I never eat food the same way after reading this.

Just Mercy by Bryan Stevenson: Stevenson also came to campus late Spring Semester, to discuss this book and his work in criminal justice reform. This is his memoir of how he found his career path and the need for redemption and proximity in our country.


Classics- This Side of Paradise by F. Scott Fitzgerald: If you know me and know me well, you would know that this book is not only the first classic novel I have ever read and hence birthed my love for literature but is also in my top three favorite books in the whole world. Fitzgerald does something to me that no one else can- his language and imagery are nothing short of lovely. This will be my up-tenth time rereading this book (I finally got a hard copy) and I am gladly surrendering my soul to it.

Modern Classic- If Beale Street Could Talk by James Baldwin: If there is anyone I trust to write about the black American psyche, it is James Baldwin. I know I usually say read the book before the movie, but I have been on a budget and I have been soooooo busy, so I am not upset with myself for being late. I can’t wait to dive into it and relive the experience this summer.


Lunch Poems by Frank O’Hara: You ever come across an author or a poet who you have always wanted to look into because everyone knows who they are, except for you? Yeah……. I am hardcore feeling that with O’Hara, so I am excited to jump in.

Happy Summer Reading!

cover photo belongs to me