On the Climate
The Earth as we know it is changing rapidly. And although it sounds incredibly scary, we should also emphasize how much we can combat these changes if we act now!!! Our planet gives us everything we need. All she asks for in return is that we take care of her.
Here are some basic activities we all can partake in a bunch of small, imperfect steps (while acknowledging that a lot of the action that needs to take place must come from governments, private companies, and large corporations):
First: educate yourself on what the current crisis is, what global warming is, and why it’s an issue in the first place: here
give your tummy a break by switching out at least two to three meals for more veggies and whole grains, and no meat.
thrift more! it’s a cheaper and more sustainable way of being fashionable! Try to wear your clothing as long as possible before donating. upcycle garments into cleaning cloths, etc.
Bring your own coffee/tea mug/water bottle/reusable bag. It’s ok if you forget from time to time but it is so convenient! Also, stop shitting on straws which is the ablest thing anyone can do. Straws make up such a small percentage of plastic in our oceans. just try to limit your overall consumption, while recognizing that others might have to partake in choices different from yours.
vote for politicians who are actively working on bringing climate change to the forefront of the conversation.
support the Green New Deal. Learn about it here.
Be vocal!!! you are never too young or too old to speak out on issues that affect everyone!
photo above from the IPMDC 2019 (mine)